
Authentic Escape’s 10th anniversary is an opportunity to look back and identify the moments that have been particularly strong and meaningful. You know, these stepping stones, that come to you while you are not expecting them…

One key moment of Authentic Escape’s history is when I met Martina Mangelsdorf. It was in January 2014, on one of the first programs organized by the agency. She was presented to me as a bright consultant, expert on the generation Y and talent revelation within international organizations.

At that time, Authentic Escape has not even celebrated its first anniversary, and Martina has just created GAIA Insights. I find her smart and bright indeed when I see her deliver her session in front of the audience.

Then we start talking, and we share our feelings on this first experience as young entrepreneurs. The way she tells how she created GAIA Insights resonnates and moves me. I visualize her sitting on an expensive couch, in a beautiful appartment in Miami facing the sea, and a full bank account.

Then I visualize her give up everything she had built, and leave on her own backpacking accross six continents and reconnecting with her self and planet Earth for more than one year. Because like she says, « the most important was missing » in her previous life.

At that moment, I don’t only see her as a bright woman. I see a brave, humble and inspiring woman, who followed her instinct and found happiness in this self-alignment. I find her super accessible too, natural, and direct, and I like that J.

A few months later, she calls me and wants Authentic Escape to organize the first leadership development programs she designs. She listens to me, understands and likes our values and philosophy. We start our collaboration in Switzerland with a first live module in a lost village the mountains, called « Montagne Alternative ». An amazing place, run by amazing people. It works so well, that we end up setting up the decor of many other programs after that, in fantastic inspiring venues that have a real impact on how the participants and the facilitators live their stay and experience.

Backstage, I silently assist to the transformation of raw diamonds. Young talents, identified by Martina and her team who become aware of their potential. I see them look at themselves in a mirror, have deep reflexions on how they lead their life. How they balance their private and professional life. I see them do this introspection, and allow themselves to hear their inner voice. They start a real journey where they learn how to « lead from within », which is GAIA Insights’ promise. I see these leaders still humble but more confident, and having more senior positions after this journey.

I understand how deep the experience is and I measure the impact on people and organizations. I find it so beautiful that at some point I realize I can also benefit from this transformation. I start doing the same exercises and applying GAIA Insights’ tips to myself. It works, and I feel so lucky and grateful to be where I am.

Why did I allow myself to live this leadership development experience ? Simply because I immediately trusted Martina ; her approach, her network, her world. Inspiring and trustworthy, this is how I see her, and how everybody else does. This is why people are ready to start such a process. To let go. To question their beliefs, their truths. Without trust, you go nowhere, and there is no journey, no transformation.

Over the years, Martina did not just brought business to me. She opened my mind. She opened a window inside and said « Fly Marianne ! You have beautiful and solid wings ! »

The consequence ? I go far beyond my job. I go the extra mile when I work for GAIA Insights. I  have the natural energy to do so. I feel good, respected, legitimate, at the right place and at the right time.

This article written by GAIA Insights shows it well, and is sooo rewarding : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7049735007350730752/.

I feel really blessed to have met Martina Mangelsdorf 10 years ago, on my way to this authentic journey !



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